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A workers’ compensation claim is already a difficult process, but beyond the stress of injury and paperwork you will also need to navigate a new world of legal and medical abbreviations. The Law Offices of Siles & Foster, P.C., law experts are here to help. If you or a loved one has been injured on the job, contact us to today for a free consultation 530-898-9600. We’ve put together the following list of common abbreviations you will encounter during your workers’ comp claim:
A & P Anterior and Posterior
AA Applicant’s Attorney
ACOEM American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
AD Administrative Director
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act
ADL Activities of Daily Living
AMA American Medical Association
AME Agreed Medical Examiner
AOE/COE Arising out of and in the course and scope of employment
APP Application for Adjudication of Claim
AWW Average Weekly Wage
BP Blood Pressure
CAL/OSHA California Department of Occupational Safety + Health Administration
CALPERS California Public Employees’ Retirement System
CALSTRS California State Teachers’ Retirement System
CBC Complete Blood Count
CCC California Compensation Case
CF Conversion Factor
CHSWC Commission on Health and Safety and Workers’ Compensation
CIGA California Insurance Guarantee Association
C & R Compromise and Release
CMS Center for Medicare Services
CNA Certified Nursing Assistant
CNS Central Nervous System
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
CRPS Complex Regional Pain System
CT Cumulative Trauma
CT Computerized Topography
CVA Cerebral Vascular Accident
DA Defense Attorney
DEPO Deposition
DEU Disability Evaluation Unit
DFEC Diminished Future Earning Capacity
DR Declaration of Readiness to Proceed
DFEH Department of Fair Employment and Housing
DIR Department of Industrial Relations
DM Diabetes Mellitus
DOB Date of Birth
DOI Date of Injury
DOL Date of Loss
DOR Declaration of Readiness to Proceed
DOSH Division of Occupational Safety and Health
DSM Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders
DWC Division of Workers Compensation
DWC-1 Claim Form
Dx Diagnosis
EAMS Electronic Adjudication Management System
EBM Evidence Based Medicine
EDD Employment Development Department
EE Employee
EEOC Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
EIDL Enhanced Industrial Disability Leave
EMG Electromyography
ENT Ear Nose & Throat
EOR Explanation of Review
F & A Findings and Award
FACS Fellow American College of Surgeons
FEC Future Earning Capacity
FEHA Fair Employment and Housing Act
FLMA Family and Medical Leave Act
FM Future Medical
GAF Global Assessment of Functioning
GAL Guardian Ad Litem
GERD Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease
HCO Health Care Organization
HEENT Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat
HMO Healthcare Maintenance Organization
HNP Herniated Nucleus Pulposus
I & A Information and Assistance Office
IDL Industrial Disability Leave
IDL/S Industrial Disability Leave with Supplementation
IMC Industrial Medical Council
IIP Injury Illness Prevention Program
IME Independent Medical Examiner
IME Industrial Medical Council
IME Independent Medical Evaluation
IMR Independent Medical Review
I + A Information and Assistance Unit
JA Job Analysis
KCERA Kern County Employees Retirement Association
LACERA Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association
LACERS Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System
LBP Lower Back Pain
LC Labor Code
LOS Length of Stay
LVH Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
LVN Licensed Vocation Nurse
MD Medical Doctor
MI Myocardial Infarction
MMI Maximum Medical Improvement
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MPN Medical Provider Network
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MSA Medicare Set Aside
MSA Merit Salary Adjustment
MSC Mandatory Settlement Conference
MTUS Medical Treatment Utilization Schedule
MVA Motor Vehicle Accident
NCV Nerve Conduction Velocity
OCERS Orange County Employees Retirement System
OCR Optical Character Recognition
OD Office of Director
OMFS Official Medical Fee Schedule
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OTOC Ordered Taken off Calendar
P & S Permanent and Stationary
PC Priority Conference
Ph. D. Doctor of Philosophy
PI Permanent Intermittent
PI Personal Injury
PJ Presiding Judge
PD Permanent Disability
PDA Permanent Disability Advance
PDR Permanent Disability Rating
PDRS Permanent Disability Rating Schedule
PPD Partial Permanent Disability
PT Physical Therapy
PTA Post Traumatic Amenesia
PTC Pre-Trial Conference
PTD Permanent Total Disability
PTP Primary Treating Physician
PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
PVD Peripheral Vascular Disease
QIW Qualified Injured Worker
QME Qualified Medical Examiner
Recon Reconsideration
Reg. Regulation
RFA Request for Authorization
RSD Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
RTW Return to Work
RU Rehabilitation Unit
RU-91 Description of Employees’ Job Duties Form
RU-94 Offer of Alternative or Modified Work Form
Rx Prescription
S & W Serions and Willful Misconduct
SC Status Conference
SCIF State Compensation Insurance Fraud
SDI State Disability Insurance
SDT Subpena Duces Tecum
SIBTF Subsequent Injuries Benefit Trust Fund
SIF Subsequent Injuries Fund
SJDB Supplemental Job Displacement Benefit
SOL Statute of Limitations
SSA Social Security Administration
SSD Social Security Disability
SSDI Social Security Disability Insurance
SSI Social Security Income
SSN Social Security Number
STIP Stipulations and Request for Award
Sx Surgical
TBI Traumatic Brain Injury
TD Temporary Disability Benefits
TIA Transient Ischemic Attack
TPA Third Party Administrator
TPD Temporary Partial Disability
TTD Total Temporary Disability
Tx Treatment
U & C Usual and Customary Employment
UEBTF Uninsured Employers Benefit Trust Fund
UEF Uninsured Employers Fund
UR Utilization Review
VR Vocational Rehabilitation
VRMA Vocational Rehabilitation Maintenance Allowance
VRTWC Vocational + Return to Work Counselor
WCIRB Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau
WCAB Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board
WCALJ Workers’ Compensation Administrative Law Judge
WCJ Workers’ Compensation Judge
WPI Whole Person Impairment
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